The settings in the Settings section are used by the Meridian Enterprise processors. This section is described in the following table:
Setting | Description |
Machine |
The name of the computer running the EDM Server service for the configured vault. |
Datastore |
The datastore name of the vault. This is displayed in the Meridian Enterprise Administrator in the column labelled Name when the EDM Server is selected in the configuration tree. |
Vault |
The section name of the vault database. This is displayed in the server's registry as the DefaultSection value of the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\ CurrentVersion\Installed DataStores\<DataStoreName> |
Password |
An optional password to apply to all briefcases generated by the GCF. Setting a password on the briefcases provides an additional level of security. The password setting should be the same for all vaults in a collaborating group of sites. |
The email address to which error reports will be sent. Multiple addresses can be typed by separating them with semicolons. |
SMTPServer |
If the computer running the Meridian Enterprise processors is not configured with an SMTP mail service, this setting can be used to specify a different computer that should be used for sending error reports. If omitted, the current computer is assumed to be the SMTP server. See also the SMTP settings section described below. |
MailFrom |
The email address from which the error reports are sent. |
MaxLogFiles |
The Meridian Enterprise processors will generate a log file for each day that contains status messages and error messages. This setting specifies how many log files should be kept. If the number of log files exceeds this setting, the oldest log files will be deleted. We recommend a value of 250. |
Template |
The name of the briefcase template to use for GCF briefcases. By default, this name is in the settings that are imported in Importing the briefcase settings. Note In Global Collaboration Framework version 1, this should always be GCF. |
TransferThumbnails |
When set to True, replicates thumbnail images. This feature requires that the briefcases be in an open standard format. For more information on configuring briefcase formats, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Configuration Guide. |
Following is an example of the settings in the Settings section:
[Settings] Machine = "GCFServer" Datastore = "Collaboration1" Vault = "Collaboration1" Password = "12345" Email = "" SMTPServer = "" MailFrom = "" MaxLogFiles = 250 Template = "GCF" TransferThumbnails = True
To modify the default SMTP server settings:
[SMTP] ; 1 - UsingPickup, 2 - UsingPort, 3 - UsingExchange, Sendusing = 2 ; 0 - Anonymous, 1 - Basic, 2 - NTLM Authenticate = 0 UserName = "" Password = "" Serverport = 25 Usessl = False Connectiontimeout = 60